Fundraiser and MRP Center Questions
Are you going to put your own money towards the MRP center?
Why don’t you use a platform like gofundme or some other online platform?
Carlton, will you live at the MRP center?
Will the landlord know you’re making a MRP center out of their building?
Why are the fundraisers so expensive?
Is MRP a nonprofit charity?
No. Right now, MRP is nothing but me setting up a test to cure cancer. If the test goes well, I will save up donations to buy a building, and apply for an official nonprofit license. All that stuff takes an enormous amount of time and energy, and would be nonsensical to go through if there wasn’t already a test to prove that MRP works. If the test fails, I will reimburse every single person who donated, beyond the 4k spent for the test. The only people I will not reimburse, are the fundraiser people, because they already bought a nonreturnable product. You can’t buy a customized product someone worked weeks to make just for you, and then get refunded because the fundraiser you bought it for turned out with unfortunate results. Remember, the fundraisers are for funding the MRP center; if the center gets funded great, if the test fails, well then the test fails, and the center served its purpose.
So you are saying that if the test fails, you will not reimburse fundraiser supporters, but you will reimburse donators?
Yes, that is what I am saying. If the test fails, I will reimburse the leftover money donations. I will not reimburse fundraiser supporters because they got a customized, personalized product that took 1-4 weeks of work to produce. If you bought and ate a box of girl scout cookies, you don’t get your money back if the girl scouts unexpectedly close down. You probably wouldn’t get your donations back either; however, I will happily give back leftover donations. The donations will be easily tracked, and all the money information will be made public, as it is right now with the progress bar. When the donations get higher in volume I’ll implement more methods of transparency.
Are you going to put your own money towards the MRP center?
I already am, through the fundraisers. The donations are from others in support of MRP, but the fundraisers involve a product made by me, for MRP. If I wanted to, I could make the fundraisers regular IAMNIVERSE services, and just pocket all profits for myself. Instead, I am using my time, energy, and hard-earned money towards MRP, which is free to the public. Plus, I’m the one that made-up all this MRP stuff in the first place, and will undoubtedly be running the centers, on top of all that. So yes, rest assured that I am going above and beyond my fair share to make MRP happen.
Why don’t you use a platform like gofundme or some other online platform?
At first I was going to use gofundme, but then I realized it was just adding unnecessary steps in doing MRP and getting the center going. I don’t want to have to sign-up, fill-out, and write a bunch of stuff on their platform, and have to go through them to have people support MRP. I’d rather create my own gofundme and have people donate directly, rather than commercializing it, and having other people leech money off donations, for literally no reason at all.
At first glance, online funding platforms seem like a secure, trustworthy way for people to donate to random people on the internet—this is a very intelligent, useful service.
However, in my situation, I’m not some random person. I mean that in the sense that I created IAMNIVERSE in 2010—I’ve had an online presence for years. I have nothing to hide, and no reason to steal or take advantage of people. And you know how the internet is, people won’t just let you get away with publicly committing crimes. I can’t just take money and run without dealing with serious consequences, because I’m easy to find, with a very open online presence. It doesn’t get any more out-in-the-open then having your name as a website ( I’ve been doing help-others, make-the-world-a-better-place, realize-you-are-the-universe type work long enough for any reasonable person to tell I am a person of integrity.
Plus, fraudsters still get away with ripping people off using gofundme and suchlike platforms. I don’t want to give anyone ideas, but there are people that have made the news for successfully scamming gofundme donators with false fundraisers—you can only imagine how many others don’t make the news. This makes sense, because all they have to do is make a simple page on gofundme—who you are as a person doesn’t matter, as much as whatever you put on that single gofundme page. You could be a bank robber funding his next heist, or a serial killer raising money to flee the country; none of that matters as much as what you put on that page. (No offense gofundme users, I’m just having a little fun with these extreme examples. I like and respect gofundme as a website; I’m just making a point.)
So in short, the reason I don’t use online funding platforms is because there literally is no reason to. Although it sounds nice, those platforms don’t fully protect people from being swindled, and in my case, only serve as a middleman for getting MRP done for the people, by the people. I refuse to be responsible to anyone but the supporters of MRP.
Carlton, will you live at the MRP center?
Yes and no. But in general, no. I have my own place. I’ll only be staying at the center to do the test, and to get the ball rolling to phase 2. I already have people in mind I think would happily run an MRP center for me.
Also, although an MRP center is just a house/building/farmhouse, it’s not going to look like a bachelor’s pad. It will look somewhat minimalistic. It’s overall vibe will be that of a rehab center, so I want it to be cozy but not too cozy. Most people will only stay for 2 weeks, and I want them to feel like this is a temporary place of change and moving forward, not a place of stasis, which is what most homes symbolize.
Will the landlord know you’re making a MRP center out of their building?
Yes. The landlord will absolutely know what is taking place. In the future, a building will be fully bought, so that won’t be a concern. Right now, renting is a good idea for getting started as fast as possible.
Why are the fundraisers so expensive?
They’re expensive because they’re to pay for supplies, and to pay the MRP center’s bills, which will amount to a few thousand dollars a month. Normally, the stuff I do I make cheap, such as the products and services on the Iamniverse site, but this is different, because I’m renting (and eventually, buying) a building to do a free public service.
What about taxes?
I will pay all the taxes needed to maintain the center. The donations are not tax deductible, because MRP isn’t an official non-profit yet. (It will be, if everything continues to go according to plan!)